Seek first the Kingdom of God

But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” [Matthew 6:33]. To ask for the Kingdom means to ask that God reins inside me, He shall be my Lord.

However, we must believe that; there lies the difficulty and stress. People say “Why should it start with it, anyways? Why should I do it”. If you don’t believe, you have no motive, obviously. You have to be convinced that your spiritual eyes must open, here and now, because if they do not open here (in this life), it will be impossible afterwards … “there is no repentance in Hades”. This is a basic belief in Orthodoxy: “In Hades there is no repentance”. If your spiritual eyes do not open in this life on earth, it will be impossible after our physical death.

Our spiritual eyes won’t open by accident; we have to act, with God’s help, of course. By the Grace of God, we achieve it, not by ourselves! But we have to want to achieve it in this life. Watch out!

The Church primarily ministers for the life here on earth

The Church is primarily serving for our life here on earth. However, many people -unfortunately also among many orthodox- believe that the Church only prepares us for life after death.

Wrong! She does not prepare us for the other life. She gets us fixed during and not only for this life, but also for the other (the eternal), in order to get our spiritual eyes open during this life, so we can enter the Kingdom of God, God’s Paradise, here and now! And, if we do not find Paradise here and now, we will not find Him after our physical death. Because in the other life we will not be able to repent.

In Hades there is no repentance”. This is a commonly used expression by most Orthodox Church Fathers taken from Psalm 6:5For in death there is no remembrance of thee: in the grave who shall give thee thanks?

f. Savvas Agioreitis

To be continued…